About Us

what we believe

Values are your internal compass,
you can go nowhere without them

The purpose of life is to create. To take that which only exists in our minds and make it a reality for all. 

It can be something as simple as making a sandwhich or as complex as inventing the personal computer. Every moment is creation. Each person, each word, each interaction, may be similar to other moments, but they are unique creations that never existed before.

Nature is cruel, chatoic, brutal, cold, and dark. In spite of all of our flaws, mankind the condiut through which light, warmth, order, kindness, and understanding enter the world. Each of us has been bestowed with gifts we were meant to share with the world. 

We believe the greatest joy is creating what we love, with those we love, or for those we love.

Meaningful work & meaningful relationships.

Everyone has power. Some power is innate, these are the things that come naturally to us; Some power can be acquired, through  focused, consistent, disciplined training; Some power, like Technology, is power that can be purchased.

When we compete with each other. Power is used to dominate. We use our strengths against others weakness and even though this can produce immensely powerful individuals, this paradigm is short sighted. It may provide security, safety, and control for a select few but at the same time it isolates and makes them more vulnerable to themselves.

However when we cooperate, and use our power to empower others instead of having one person who can do many things,  and has to do everything, because everyone around them can do nothing, we have a group of capable people who each can do many things, working together to do one thing.


let us help you blaze your own path

We believe every artist should be independent and free from the pressures of corporate over reach, manipulation, and local gate keeper nepotism and quid pro quo. That every artist knows what they need to do and what they're capable of doing. That every artist knows how hard, fast, and far they want to push themselves. It's our mission to equip artists with all of the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to be entirely independent so that they are free to express their truest voice, work at an appropriate pace, and to go as far as they want.

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State of the Art Equipment

Black Magic 6k Pro, Sigma Lenses, Sanheiser Mics, Profesional Lights are at your disposal.



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Flexible Training

No more rigid schedules; we offer classes morning and night, several days a week. Train on your schedule.


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Production Focused

Everything we do revolves around production. From how we structure classes, to our film festivals, showcases, we even launched our own streaming service!

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Ambitious and Innovative

We're constantly innovating new ways to teach, using the latest tools, building new technologies, and exploring ways to create unique and exciting experiences.

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We Have Lots of Fun

Remember that we all got into the arts because they're fun. We love to party and throw lots of community events. We really are a family and we love to celebrate.