The purpose of life is to create. To take that which only exists in our minds and make it a reality for all.
It can be something as simple as making a sandwhich or as complex as inventing the personal computer. Every moment is creation. Each person, each word, each interaction, may be similar to other moments, but they are unique creations that never existed before.
Nature is cruel, chatoic, brutal, cold, and dark. In spite of all of our flaws, mankind the condiut through which light, warmth, order, kindness, and understanding enter the world. Each of us has been bestowed with gifts we were meant to share with the world.
We believe the greatest joy is creating what we love, with those we love, or for those we love.
Meaningful work & meaningful relationships.
Doing requires energy. All of us can work for a while without rest, without water, and without food but every hour we do not replenish what we've spent, the quality of our work diminishes, the speed slows, and eventually ceases altogether.
When we take from someone and do not replenish them, we harm someone for doing good and they will be unable to work as well, as fast, and if enough people do likewise they will die.
It is similar to being a senator who betrayed Julius Caesar, your knife may not have killed, but it did cause death.
When someone gives, they must receive in turn. If someone serves, they must be served. If we take something we replenish it. If we give something we must take something.
Exploitation is when we take and do not give something of equal value in return and it is never okay to exploit another person.
Since value is subjective, we must negotate with each other to agree on value but in a way that seeks mutual benefit and only win/win outcomes.
Control is a limiter. Yes it prevents harm but it also prevents good.
I can place handcuffs on you to prevent you from hitting me, but those same handcuffs also prevent you from helping me.
Because most of what we consider knowledge is actually assumption, tradition, or bias, mankinds attempts to control and impose "good" outcomes always causes harm. None of us knows what will happen and so we must allow each of us to act according to what we believe is best.
Apart from direct acts of financcial, reputational, or physical harm, students and faculty shall be free to do and say as they wish according to their own conscience.
No conformity.
No censorship.
No canceling.
Tolerance is not different inequality, where the marginalized groups in one community get together to marginalize the dominant group of another. Community is not different conformity. True community is living and working together with people you hate and who hate you because our efforts are better spent cooperating rather than conflict.
There are no judges or victims.
There are no leaders or followers.
There is no us and no them.
There is just being the best version of ourselves and doing our best work. If we did not do that, do better next time.
The match and the gasoline must work together and even though there is an explosive reaction when the two come into close contact, each must use the limitless power of the human will to prevent it from occurring.
Fame is not our aim. Money is not our aim. Those are by products of chasing something loftier. Imagine a circle that represents the whole of your ability, the wole of your experience, and the whole of your knowledge. Life is about continually expanding that circle. If whatever you're doing isn't scary, if it doesn't make you nervous, if you don't feel unsure, alone, misunderstood, you're operating inside the circle where it's safe. We are meant to be warriors. Life is meant to be an adventure. We are meant to go off the map, where there are no roads, where is no one to follow. When choosing a direction, we are supposed to go to any of the places on the the parchment that reads "HERE THERE BE MONSTERS."
I have not failed 10,000 times—I've successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work. - Thomas Edison
Creation is when we bring something new into our world that never was. It's invention which is why the live of a creative is filled with so much failure. When you bring something new into your world you don't know how to do it, until you do.
Production is the process of taking something you already know how to make and streamlining that process so that you can make it quicker, cheaper, and for more profit. Hollywood is a production not a creative industry.
It's businessmen exploiting creatives that only care about productivity, effecincy, and profit. Artists are not meant to work this way, we have allowed ourselves to become cogs to survive. There is nothing wrong with production but what does it profit a man to gain the world but lose their soul in the process. We must not lose our souls. The gods of hope, fear, love, rage, shame, and joy whisper to us and when we lose our souls we stop listening to them and start listening to frank from
Everyone has power. Some power is innate, these are the things that come naturally to us; Some power can be acquired, through focused, consistent, disciplined training; Some power, like Technology, is power that can be purchased.
When we compete with each other. Power is used to dominate. We use our strengths against others weakness and even though this can produce immensely powerful individuals, this paradigm is short sighted. It may provide security, safety, and control for a select few but at the same time it isolates and makes them more vulnerable to themselves.
However when we cooperate, and use our power to empower others instead of having one person who can do many things, and has to do everything, because everyone around them can do nothing, we have a group of capable people who each can do many things, working together to do one thing.
When we do not do our best. We become less. When we attempt to do more than our best we risk injury and afterwards subsequently our best decreases for a time.
Our best fluctuates day by day depending on other demands on our life, circumstances such as illnesses, work, relationship, or other responsiblities.
According to most experts, they say your rep weight should be between 60-80% of your max. If your max is 100lbs, your best would be between 60-80lbs. If you start lifting 50lbs, you'll get weaker, but if you attempt to lift 110lbs you risk injury and as a result won't be able to lift at all or will have to lift a severly reduced amount. Maybe you're feeling stronger one day, you should go for more and if you're feeling weaker due to lack of sleep or illness, you should adjust and do less. Only we know what we're capable of and we must do our best to do our best.
To not do our best is to waste our time and others.
Perfection is unattainable but we chase it anyway. The work is never finished, we just run out of time. No matter how successful, how lofty our achievements, how superior our skills become there is always room to improve. The higher we climb the more it costs to improve. The olympic athelete has to work 100x harder to get .0001 seconds faster, compared to the amount of effort it takes to run a mile. When we get to the top of the mountain, it's our job to make the mountain taller. Our work, not our ego is what matters. We always do a post mortum. We always hold each other accountable. Always ask ourselves hat did we do well? Where are our opportunities for improvement? All we know is not all that can be known, what can we discover. We must constantly innovate, challenge, and push ourselves to become more so we can do more. Criticism is not to tear down but to sharpen.
To be wild is to free yourself from all the domestication, social constructs, culture wars, group thinking, etc. To be 100% authentically and unapologetically yourself. The true power of humanity is our uniqueness but wherever there are differences it creates conflict so to achieve peace, to survive, to avoid being attacked, we become agreeable, mimic the behaivors and dress of those in our social circles but we need to abondon that way of thinking. We need to learn how to be seperate and together. A team where every player wears their own uniforms but still operates as a single entity.
We believe every artist should be independent and free from the pressures of corporate over reach, manipulation, and local gate keeper nepotism and quid pro quo. That every artist knows what they need to do and what they're capable of doing. That every artist knows how hard, fast, and far they want to push themselves. It's our mission to equip artists with all of the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to be entirely independent so that they are free to express their truest voice, work at an appropriate pace, and to go as far as they want.
Black Magic 6k Pro, Sigma Lenses, Sanheiser Mics, Profesional Lights are at your disposal.
No more rigid schedules; we offer classes morning and night, several days a week. Train on your schedule.
Everything we do revolves around production. From how we structure classes, to our film festivals, showcases, we even launched our own streaming service!
We're constantly innovating new ways to teach, using the latest tools, building new technologies, and exploring ways to create unique and exciting experiences.
Remember that we all got into the arts because they're fun. We love to party and throw lots of community events. We really are a family and we love to celebrate.